Is It Psoriasis or Just a Rash?
Published August 3, 2018 2525 Views
Almost everyone deals with a rash at some point in their life. However, if you are dealing with a more severe, stubborn rash that does not seem to go away, you may have a condition known as Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic condition caused by an overactive immune system which can lead to the de...
Healthy Skin Doesn’t Take A Vacation
Published July 6, 2018 1780 Views
Finally -- summer is here! That means vacations spending time by the pool, on a relaxing beach, or outside exploring new cities. And while you may be enjoying a wonderful break from reality, your skin will have to work double-time if you aren't using the proper products. Maintain Your Usual S...
Take Sun Protection Seriously This Summer with These Simple Tips
Published June 1, 2018 2039 Views
Many of us remember carefree summers from our childhood when we bounced out of bed and went right outside to play with our friends. We also know our fair share of adults and children alike who had many painful sunburns to show for that time outside. The reality is that no matter your histo...
Are Midface Dermal Fillers for the Eyes, Cheeks, and Lips Safe?
Published February 1, 2018 29634 Views
Some men and women are self-conscious about their appearance because they've never experienced smooth, balanced facial features. Others are beginning to notice the natural aging process on their face. Although some may experience the telltale signs of age sooner than others, everyone is susceptibl...
PicoWay Resolve Laser Treatment - Rejuvenate Your Skin!
Published December 1, 2017 29048 Views
PicoWay is an effective, non-invasive, non-surgical anti-aging device that uses short laser pulses to stimulate natural collagen production for a younger-looking skin tone. The PicoWay Resolve Laser is a handheld device used to rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen, the healing mechanis...
Considering Tattoo Removal? This Might Help You Decide
Published November 2, 2017 2003 Views
Once upon a time, you might have loved your tattoo. However, when those feelings fade, you are left with the decision of whether to get it removed. There are many considerations that go into deciding on tattoo removal. One more reason to contemplate removing your ink? The tattoo ink might be toxic t...
Skin Care: The Truth About Skin Moisturizers
Published November 2, 2017 1992 Views
How well do you know and trust your skin moisturizer? If you purchase items off the shelf at some of the big box stores, then you might be in for a big surprise. A recent study found that some of the claims on moisturizers are not entirely true, which could mean your skin care routine is not pro...
Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa to Offer CoolSculpting
Published October 31, 2017 2222 Views
October 2017, Rochester, NY -- For several years, Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa has offered patients SculpSure™ body contouring services, a non-invasive laser treatment that treats stubborn pockets of fat. As of November 2017, Helendale will be discontinuing SculpSure. Instead, they are ex...
Skin Rashes: Learn How to Treat Eczema During October Eczema Awareness Month
Published October 3, 2017 2744 Views
October is Eczema Awareness Month and there is no better time than now to learn more about uncomfortable skin rashes. It is especially important to get your symptoms under control before winter hits. Cold, dry weather can exacerbate affected skin and intensify the itchiness. We compiled some inf...
How to Support the Community for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2017
Published September 25, 2017 1873 Views
Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa, practice of Dr. Elizabeth Arthur, is involved with the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but the dermatology practice sponsors charity events year-round. The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester ha...
Skin Treatment: What is a Medical Peel?
Published August 28, 2017 5126 Views
A medical peel is a skin-resurfacing treatment to remove dead skin cells, uncovering a "new" layer of skin that appears smoother and more vibrant. A medical facial peel plumps & softens fine lines, minimizes superficial "age" spots and other skin discolorations, and generally improves the tone a...
Skin Rejuvenation: 3 Reasons To Take Advantage of the DOT Fractional Laser
Published August 1, 2017 2513 Views
A good diet and proper cleansing and moisturizing are essential elements of clear, healthy skin, but medical spa treatments can provide additional benefits. We offer effective, minimally-invasive skin rejuvenation treatments for various conditions using the DOT Fractional Laser, one of the mo...
Choose Clean Makeup To Complement Healthy Skin Care
Published July 3, 2017 2203 Views
You know how important it is to keep your skin healthy through gentle cleansing and effective moisturizing, but have you ever thought about the effects of makeup on your skin? Just like your cleanser and moisturizer, the makeup you use on your face affects your skin deeply. The right kind of...
Injectable Fillers: How to Smooth Skin and Look Younger with Radiesse
Published June 5, 2017 4149 Views
"With age comes beauty. Don't let wrinkles tell your story." ~ Radiesse Are you starting to notice wrinkles gather around your mouth? Perhaps those pesky lines betray your age or make you look older than you really are. Maybe the skin on the back of your hands is losing its smooth appearance...
How to Protect Your Skin and Effectively Avoid Skin Cancer
Published May 8, 2017 2069 Views
Millions of Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every year. In fact, one out of every five Americans will develop a form of skin cancer at some point in their lifetime. It may manifest itself in one of several ways. Melanoma can be identified when there is a change or growth in an existing...
Do you Regret Your Tattoo?
Published February 6, 2017 2502 Views
Do you regret your tattoo? Currently, 36% of adults in the US have a tattoo, numbering around 45 million, and of that number, 17% regret their tattoo after all is said and done. Common reasons for tattoo regret include poor artisanship, wrong coloring/shading, and bad placement. Tattoos don't...
Now Launching ALASTIN Skincare with TriHex™ Technology in 2017!
Published January 24, 2017 2454 Views
Pills, elixirs, prescriptions. It can be overwhelming to find a simple way to treat your skin, retain its natural beauty and vibrancy, and help heal your skin after a rejuvenating procedure, but the ALASTIN Skincare product line might the solution you've been looking for. Helendale Dermatology &...
Dr. Arthur Nominated for the 2017 ATHENA Award®
Published October 11, 2016 1803 Views
Dr. Arthur has been nominated for the ATHENA Award® which seeks to honor those who have strived for personal and professional accomplishment, who have contributed to the community in a significant way, and who have done much to pave the way for other high-minded business professionals to follow the...
How to Determine the Best Hair Loss Treatment
Published August 18, 2016 1857 Views
The BEST Hair Loss Treatment? August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, so many patients are searching for the best hair loss solution. No such thing exists as the "best" hair loss treatment. Every patient is different! There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for alopecia. A hair loss tr...
What the Heck are Free Radicals and Why Should We Care?
Published May 2, 2016 3951 Views
Everyone likes free stuff -- free movie tickets, free coffee, free furniture. But what about free radicals? Most of us have heard the term, but don't fully understand what they are, what they do to the body, nor how to get rid of them. We might understand that they're "bad," and that we don't wa...
Rethinking Ink? Laser Tattoo Removal
Published December 15, 2015 2795 Views
Are you rethinking your ink? Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa now offers the newest laser tattoo removal technology, PicoWay. Unlike traditional lasers, the dual wavelengths device generates picosecond pulses (ultra-short pulses every trillionth of a second) to efficiently remove tattoos on al...
Why Sunscreen Doesn’t Work: Or, The Limitations of Sunscreen
Published September 21, 2015 2045 Views
Have you been using your healthy skin care treatments this season? Once the summer fades into autumn, many of our patients come in for their regular full body examination -- and we find them perfectly tan. Even if you wear your sunscreen religiously throughout the season, your skin may still exhibit...
Introducing KYBELLA™... the First FDA-Approved Injectable Treatment for “Double Chin”
Published August 11, 2015 2127 Views
Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa has been selected to provide KYBELLA™ (deoxycholic acid) injection, the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment for reduction of submental fullness, a common yet under-treated aesthetic condition also known as "double chin." KYBELLA™ was approved in Apr...
Leaves of Three - Leave Them Be!
Published July 8, 2015 2109 Views
I spend most of my summer looking down, watching for the 'dreaded leaves of three'- poison ivy. The one time I did get was lurking underneath my recycling bin, all nestled with my pachysandra! But I've digressed! Poison ivy- what's to know? 1) It's not contagious! Patients don't seem t...
Published June 22, 2015 2171 Views
This is a message that I want men and women of all ages, whether my patient or not, to hear. Please feel free to pass this message along. Protecting yourself against early sun exposure before age 18 is a hard message to get through to children, caretakers and even parents. Research recently relea...
What?! Change up my skincare regimen?
Published June 8, 2015 2027 Views
At first, no one likes change. We do everything to try to avoid it. Procrastination? Need I say more? We are all guilty of it of it at some point. When it comes to your skincare regimen, however, you should never procrastinate when you need to change your routine based on your skin's current cond...
May is Melanoma Awareness Month
Published June 3, 2015 1677 Views
May is Melanoma Awareness Month: Record-Breaking Temperatures are Leading to "Early Season" Sun Burns The record-breaking temperatures we've been experiencing here in Rochester NY, following an unseasonably harsh winter, means more time spent outdoors for many theses days. The number of patien...
Thinning Hair
Published April 14, 2015 1725 Views
It isn't a fun visit when I have a hysterical or depressed patient in my examining room who is losing his or her hair. It causes extreme stress and anxiety for both men and women when they realize their hair is either falling out or they've begun to see bald patches. Most people within their...
Published January 3, 2015 1673 Views
Every New Year, people hope that the upcoming year will be "better" than the previous year, promising good health, happiness and prosperity. We, at Helendale Dermatology and Medical Spa and The Hair Center at Helendale, wish for the same. Everyday, I strive to be a better physician, a better b...
Helendale to Make a Fashion Statement on Melanoma Monday
Published May 2, 2014 1613 Views
Press Announcement: Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa Will Make a Fashion Statement on Melanoma Monday® To Raise Awareness of Skin Cancer - Monday, May 5th is Melanoma Monday® - ROCHESTER, NY - (May 2, 2014) --- The team at Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa (in Irondequoit, N.Y.) will look...