October 18, 2018

What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is a natural cannabinoid oil that is found in the hemp plant. It is legal in all 50 states.
Why oil?
We know that other forms of CBD oil, gummies and pills, aren't absorbed into our bloodstream that easily. Most are cleared by the liver during a "first pass." Absorption with a fatty acid or oil can help bypass the clearing by the liver. Gnome serums have only three ingredients: cannabinoids, coconut oil, and echium oil. CBD can also be absorbed directly into the skin, especially with a heavy cream.
Can you get high from CBD oil?
No. CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant and has virtually no THC (the psychoactive substance that makes you feel euphoric). The hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC so it will not get you "high". THC is found in the marijuana plant.
Does CBD oil interact with medications?
It can increase the level of some medications. Most medications are not influenced by CBD oil. If your doctor has told you not to eat grapefruit with your medicine, CBD oil may affect the metabolism. A simple remedy: use the creams instead! They work wonderfully, also!
What is CBD oil used for?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates key parts of your physical, emotional, and mental health including: immune function, inflammation, pain, sleep, cellular energy, memory, and emotions. CBD oil is used to help regulate the inflammation in our bodies, ease anxiety, and relieve pain and neurological diseases. It was also recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of epilepsy.
Why do we want to decrease inflammation in our bodies?
Inflammation is thought to be the root of many diseases in our bodies, including heart disease, arthritis and even Alzheimer's. Inflammation also obviously plays a large role in skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema.
What makes Gnome hemp different from others on the market?
Gnome Serum hemp oil is manufactured in NYS. Gary, the CEO, has been in the nutritional business for many years. By industry standards, he's producing a superior product.
CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant in various ways. Gnome uses the safest way, free of chemical benzene and other chemical solvents. Their vapor distillation and proprietary condensation method produces an ultra-pure, activated oil that is rich in terpenes and cannabinoids, as well as tastes and works better than others! Gnome's plant extraction is at a maximum level of 98%. What does this mean? You're getting a safe product that will actually do what it's supposed to do!
Gnome's products are vegan, organic, non-GMO and pet friendly. "Best Friend" is made just for cats and dogs.
The oral formulations include echium seed oil which is a powerful vegan omega oil. Echium seed oil is considered a superior omega oil because it contains the perfect balance of Omegas 3, 6, and 9. We are also able to convert it easily to EPA; making this a powerful anti-inflammatory agent in our bodies.