February 1, 2018

Some men and women are self-conscious about their appearance because they've never experienced smooth, balanced facial features. Others are beginning to notice the natural aging process on their face. Although some may experience the telltale signs of age sooner than others, everyone is susceptible to changes in appearance over time. That's why many want to learn more about dermal fillers for the midface area.
Why Do We Need Midface Dermal Fillers?
When we think of the epitome of beauty -- i.e. young Elvis, Grace Kelly -- we think high cheekbones, firm jawline, full cheek volume. These facial features are collectively known as the Triangle of Youth, with lifted cheekbones as the base of the triangle and the chin as the point.
Over time, the Triangle of Youth is inverted; dark circles form in the tear trough area, Nasolabial folds become more pronounced, cheeks lose volume and form jowls. The Triangle points up instead of down.
Fortunately, midface dermal fillers provide a helpful, non-surgical solution to reverse these signs of aging and restore a younger, more attractive appearance.
Some patients long to bring back their own natural, youthful look and restore symmetrical cheeks, lips, chin, and eye area, but they're concerned how their face will appear after the procedure. They've heard rumors about "apple cheeks" and are nervous about lip and cheek fillers. But in the hands of an experienced, board-certified dermatologist, midface dermal fillers offer no reason for concern and can have stunning results.
The purpose of midface fillers is to enhance what Mother Nature already gave you, restore facial volume, and reestablish the Triangle of Youth. You won't look like anything but a better version of yourself. Many patients are amazed by the results, enjoying their smoother complexion while maintaining the natural look of their facial expressions.
What Are Midface Dermal Fillers?
Facial contouring is simply treating the tear trough area (the area under the eye) and the cheeks at the same time to achieve a symmetrical look. Dermal fillers are used for lip and cheek augmentation and Nasolabial fold reduction. They are composed of a dissolvable gel-like substance that is injected into the dermal layer of the skin to restore volume loss and smooth wrinkles, creases, and folds. The substance is eventually absorbed by natural body processes.
The most common FDA- approved dermal fillers include the Juvederm family (Juvederm Ultra Plus, Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Vollure XC, Juvederm Volbella XC), Radiesse, and the Restylane family (Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lift). Our experience will determine which dermal fillers best suit your needs based on what you want for an overall look.
More → How to Smooth Aging Skin with Radiesse
How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?
Many patients ask us how long they can expect dermal fillers to last. Depending on which filler you use, results can last anywhere from 6 months to up to 2 years. All-natural fillers (most commonly hyaluronic acid) can last from 3-18 months (in rare cases, up to 2 years) before the substance is naturally removed by normal body processes. Most patients schedule a follow-up treatment within that first year when the filler begins to dissolve.
Synthetic dermal fillers last much longer than all-natural fillers -- they are considered permanent or semi-permanent since they never really go away; they may become less visible due to sun damage or more wrinkles forming as the patient continues to age.
Reducing Dark Circles Under the Eyes with Dermal Fillers
The tear trough area is a transitional zone between the eye and the cheek. Since skin is actually reflective, dark circles under the eyes are nothing more than shadows in the tear trough area. Over time, they may progress to full circles under the eyes, and in severe cases, become defined bags. You might think that volume should be removed from the bags, but to restore the Triangle of Youth, the gaps where the skin lacks support must be filled in. Once the area is flattened, the shadows in the eye area disappear.
Cheek Augmentation with Dermal Fillers
As we age, our skin loses collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA), the two components responsible for keeping our skin elastic and voluminous. That's why over time, the cheek area begins to sag, forming jowls, wrinkles, and Nasolabial folds. Dermal fillers have two main benefits for the cheek area; 1) they restore volume and 2) prompt the skin to produce its own collagen to help maintain results. When the cheeks look full and healthy, they appear more balanced with the chin and eyes.
Lip Augmentation with Dermal Fillers
Some patients have inherited genetically thin lips or have acquired cosmetic asymmetries of the lips due to photodamage or smoking. The lip region has been known throughout time to be one of the most attractive facial features, balancing the face as a whole and contributing to a more youthful appearance. Lip fillers have proven to be highly successful in restoring structural augmentation, enhancing lip shape, creating a pretty pout, and restoring volume to either or both upper and lower lip.
Why Choose Midface Dermal Fillers Over Surgical Cheek Implants?
When they hear "cheek augmentation," some patients may confuse dermal fillers with surgical cheek implants. Dermal fillers are a safe alternative to surgery and provide 3 main benefits:
- Dermal fillers require no downtime. There may be minimal bruising and swelling, which patients can easily hide with makeup. In contrast, a cheek augmentation implant surgery leaves patients swollen and the risk of bruising is much higher.
- Once injected, dermal fillers do not leak into the surrounding area; if there is an area with a higher concentration, the area can be gently massaged by your physician to be redistributed. Cheek implants, however, carry the risk of malposition and can require follow-up revision surgery in the future.
- Dermal fillers have much less risk of infection or complications compared to surgical cheek implants.
On average, most patients can expect 75% improvement after their first session and 10-20% improvement after the 2nd treatment.
If you're interested in non-surgical midface augmentation, dermal fillers may be the perfect option. Contact us if you're interested in learning more or would like to schedule a consultation.