The Boutique at Helendale will reopen for business Monday, August 17th.  We do ask that you call when you arrive or knock on our door to enter.  We are still following the strict guidelines with regards to COVID-19.  We will need to ask you our covid screening questions and take your temperature before entering the Boutique.  Our Summer Hours are 9-4 M-Thurs and Fridays 9-3.

When you arrive we will have you answer a few of our screening questions prior to any service, such as:

  • Do you have a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath?

  • Do you have a new rash, GI upset or loss of taste or smell?

  • Have you had any close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID?

  • Have you had any close contact with anyone who has been exposed or suspected to be exposed to COVID?

  • Have you traveled outside of NYS in the last 14 days ?

We have some exciting sales and events coming up for the month of August!

Join us as we partner with Colorescience for their Annual Friends and Family sale August 18th -24th   30% off

Live Event to coincide with the sale- Facebook live with Dr. Arthur
                 August 19th at 12:30 she will go over her top 5 colorescience products.

A few of our favorite colorescience treatment products are

EVEN Up: Get a free chic wristlet with purchase while supplies last.
Brown spots? Pigmentation?  Check out Even Up.

View the video to see the benefits of Even Up.

View Product

Do you suffer from Redness? All Calm is the product for you.

View Product

View the video to see the benefits of Even Up.

Introduce NEW Skinmedica TNS Advanced + Serum -  Live Event  Wednesday August 26th at 12:30. 

 $50 off  FREE Gift with Purchase  HA5 1oz. ($120 value)  While supplies last. 

ORDER online Curbside Pick up or Free Shipping.

New in the Boutique & Online to help your hands during the pandemic